Many times, people in their first consultation with an Ayurvedic physician or with a naturopath get surprised when one of the first things they are asked is how do they go to the bathroom. The reason for this question is that the digestive phase of elimination is key to our health. As your see, Ayurveda has recommendations for this as well.
The digestive system is a great tube that processes food. We give a lot of importance to what enters our mouths (and we should), but unfortunately, we avoid talking about what comes out through the other end. I don´t encourage that poop should be the theme of conversation in your next date, but at least it should be part of what you talk about with the people involved in your health and definetely with yourself. The bowel movements are the last product resulting from the complex chain of actions of the digestive system and their characteristics indicate if everything is working well or if there are any issues in previous phases.
According to Ayurveda, the ideal bowel movement has these characteristics:
The regularity and time when we go to the bathroom is of great importance for the health of the body, the mind and the soul. Probably the most important part of the morning cleansing routine. If you don´t go to the bathroom first thing in the morning yet, try these ayurtips:
Look at the toilet fearless and if you see that it doesn’t resemble the ideal poop description above, it might be time to ask a professional.