Tonight is a special night for many different reasons: Samhain bonfires will be lit, this is the Celtic festivity that originated our current Halloween and a beautiful blue moon will be shining brightly in the sky, this is how we call the second full moon that happens within the same month. Well, preparing this post I read that the last time we had a blue moon on October 31st was in 1944. Hmm… coincidence that we have such rare moon in the day when the veils between worlds get thinner? It brings me a unique opportunity to contemplate a subject that has been very present this year: death.
We both know that trying to cover a subject of such relevance in this tiny post is impossible, but I do invite you to share a little contemplation with me. Just a year ago, I wrote about the importance of remembering that we are eternal beings experiencing ourselves in a material body. I also said that when we leave the earthly plane we don´t cease to exist, we just continue living in a subtler way. The Covid-19 crisis has brought many deceases, more than a million. We all get scared of loosing a dear one in this kind of circumstances, not to say that we could even depart our own lives, but death is the most certain threshold that we will have to cross at some point and, even in the case that it catches us by surprise, we can prepare ourselves to take that step full of compassion, peace and kindness in the heart, as well as keeping the highest intention.
Dying is as important as being born and this is why we should give a transcendental event as this one the attention that it deserves. In Eastern traditions we consider that the state of awareness cultivated in the now and at the time of our death determines the type of experiences that we might or might not go through afterwards. So the first step is to review what we think about it and the emotions that it stirs within. I was taught that it can be a glorious event, that can even be planned in detail. Many older people have the intuition of when the time is coming for them and someone told me once that there are Jyotish astrologers in India capable of informing you of the exact date of your departure. Incredible, right?
But coming back to you and me, these practices help us to prepare properly for it, whenever that might be:
This blue moon, may we celebrate life with the passion of the eternal beings that we are.
Siempre aportas luz y paz. Muchas gracias Zaira
Un placer. Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado. Un abrazo luminoso!
Mil gracias por recordármelo???? Sobretodo el hecho de dejar ir, de soltar⭐ De permitirme renacer ♡ florecer????????????
Un placer, Marta <3 son tiempos favorables para ello y vivirlo conscientemente traerá un bonito renacimiento. Gracias por el cometario y por copartir tu experiencia. Un abrazo!
Como siempre me encanta leerte y quisiera compartir contigo esta gran iniciativa que unas mujeres maravillosas iniciaron y esta tan relacionado con el Aqui y ahora: https://dandovidaalamuerte.org/ Aham prema ????????????
Gracias querida Jaja por el comentario y por el enlace a este proyecto tan interante que ofrece "Dando vida a la muerte". Es un tema importantísimo y admiro profundamente a quienes se dedican a apoyar el proceso de irse.
P.D: aham prema, yo soy amor, todos somos amor
Te quiero
Una reflexión muy bonito. Gracias Zaira!
Gracias a ti, Aina! Un abrazo de luz