I am fully immerse in the cleansing process and there are five groups of foods that stock my fridge and pantry to the brim. I wanted to share them with you because, even if you are not participating in the guided detox that I am leading these days, you can increase the presence of them in your life. Ayurveda recommends that, in order to stay healthy and strong, we should cleanse periodically. In this regards, what we eat and what we don't is truly important.
Following Ayurveda's system of six tastes or "rasas", the most cleansing foods are those whose dominant flavors are bitter, astringent and spicy(this last one in moderation). The following food groups combine these flavors and they will make your detox easy and effective.
Vegetables: Especially, all green leafy vegetables and cruciferous because the are alkaline, anti-inflammatory and have anti-viral effects. They have high levels of water, fiber and chlorophyll. Packed with green power! Microgreens and sprouts are the stars of the group.
Fruit: Fruit is essential for cleansing because it contains incredible levels of phytonutrients, healthy glucose that feeds and cleans the liver, energy, water and color. Especially: apples, pears, papaya, pineapple and fresh figs; also stewed prunes. Although, I must say that all Spring fruits are highly purifying.
Herbs: The infalible and indispensable trio of parsley, cilantro and the juice of raw celery is a miracle. The best to clear heavy metals and other stuff. Generally, all herbs and wild plants like dandelion or ruccula are cleansing.
Spices: The following help you open the channels of circulation and support the elimination of toxins from your skin, the urinary tract, the digestive system and all inner organs: ginger, turmeric, coriander, fennel and fenugreek.
Whole grains: Quinoa, brown basmati rice, millet or amaranth hold high levels of fiber, complex carbohydrates and minerals. Combined with beans are a source of whole plant proteins. And last, don't forget about water! Drink between two and three liters daily while you are detoxing. Transparent, fresh, hydrating and delicious.
As you see, there are many different textures and flavors that you can combine when you prepare your meals. No one can tell you that detox are boring or that there is nothing to eat, right? Happy cleansing days!