2021, we were waiting for you so expectantly! You come to us as a path that has never been explored before and, reader, contrary to last year, I do invite you to create a joined purpose that is also THE source of true wellness. Would you like to know what it is? Keep reading.
My intention for the new year is to live by and to spread the wisdom of Ayurveda and its elegant method for self-care. I will go step by step, each week will be dedicated to one tiny subject so all of us really start integrating this spiritual lifestyle in a way that when we look back at the end of the year, we will be able to see the significant and super positive changes that have taken place in our lives. Why now? Well, we have a big “F”: we have failed both in how we have taken care of the planet as well as in how we care for the beings that live here, including ourselves. Despite this, the Universe keeps giving us opportunities to rectify, transform and improve and this year we have the support of the new Aquarian Age which will help us to recover the natural way of being.
Why Ayurveda? It is yoga´s millenary medicine, comes from India and it is a healing system based on Consciousness. This means that:
❥ We are multi-dimensional beings existing in many levels as conscious sources of Light, Wisdom and Love.
❥ We are part of Nature, made of it and, therefore, we show an optimum state of health when we live according to its laws and natural rhythms.
❥ Health is our natural state, the normal state of living that we all are entitled to.
❥ Sickness is the manifestation of an imbalance not only in the body, but also in the mind-heart and the soul.
❥ Our body is constantly healing and repairing itself, if and when we allow it to live in the right conditions, that is, following Ayurveda´s principles for self-care.
❥ Ayurveda teaches us how to live as well as how to think about ourselves and about the world and how to awaken the presence of Self in this precious vehicle that we call physical body.
I am invested in the idea that all of us incorporate its recommendations in the manner we care for ourselves day-to-day because each act dedicated to the personal body-mind can really be offered to the body-mind of all beings living on the planet and to the Earth itself. It is probably the most organic, sustainable and enlightening thing we can do right now. So stay tuned to all the 2021 posts since they will be packed with wonderful “ayurtips”.
The gates to a new open up, let´s all start really living!
Que ilusión poder sumergirnos en el mundo de Ayurveda . Un gran regalo de tu parte . Agradecida de corazón ❤️✨????
¡Un placer! Somos muy afortunados de contar con este sistema de armonización con la naturaleza y con la vida consciente. Vamos a disfrutar mucho!
Zaira, me sumo cón ilusión a aprender. ????
¡Qué maravilla!! Cuantos más nos sumamos a vivir conscientemente y a segur un estilo de vida espiritual, más suave e increíble la transición a los nuevos tiempos.
Gracias ????
¡Un placer! Gracias por el interés en llevar una vida consciente y espiritual.
¡Ohh, Me encanta tu intención! Cuenta conmigo....estaré atenta a tus ayurtips. ¡Gracias1
¡Fantástico! Me alegro mucho!! Es una maravilla contar con seres como tú en este proceso de recuperación de lo natural, consciente y espiritual.
En estado de silencio, quietud y soledad contemplo la atracción a la unidad
Qué bonito... gracias por compartir tu experiencia.
Un abrazo,