A lot has happened in the last few months and we are in an exciting moment, although delicate. From an energetic point of view, there is a battle between the space in which we are internally and the evolutionary state in which we were just recently. Past and future pull in opposite directions with us in the middle. This is why my motto for the following months is very simple:
Move forward and don´t look back.
Remain centered in who you are now, in what you want to see manifested, in how you want to live and feel. Leave behind what we are not because that will never ever serve us again. It seems easy, however, it is not. The fact is that we get hooked to ideas about how things were before the crisis, how were our working, social or personal circumstances. And all of that is never going to be again. Think and feel that it will be even better, way better. Beautiful things are coming into your life. Try to open to this new energy as much as possible and you will see how everything goes really well. You will flow towards the new as when you swim and the current carries you, effortlessly, your are held and cooperating with the cosmos.
Yoga, meditation and their spiritual lifestyle are the best practice to remain in the present. Not only that, they also help us to release the ties that bond us to what we were allowing us to be taken towards the wonder that we are and to the new world that we can enter. Truthfully, I am so excited about this.
Contemplate how you like to feel and what circumstances, people or things favor that deep feeling. Then remain centered in expanding all the moments when those sensations circulate freely throughout your body-mind-heart. Breath with them, expand and share them. Celebrate your new reality.