This massage with a weird name is probably the best health secret there is. Abhyanga or "oil massage" is a traditional Ayurvedic practice. Today I give you a general explanation so you can start doing it at home on your own. It takes between ten and fifteen minutes and it provides you with a huge dose of love that fills your day with Shakti.
How to
Perform this entire body massage in the bathroom, before taking your daily shower. Heat up some water in a small saucepan and put in it the container with the oil that you will be using. This is the way to keep the oil warm, but not burning. Use the whole surface of your hands and before starting breathe for a few seconds, centering yourself in the act of honoring your body and the Self in it. Auto-abhy is done directly over the skin, starting at the crown of the head and finishing in the feet.
Head- put a little bit of oil in your hand and massage the scalp as if you were washing your hair. Face, ears and neck- use circular movements, as little spirals. In general, use big circular movements on the joints and long strokes over the big extremities or the long parts of the body. Over the abdomen, do big circles that follow the direction of the colon, from right to left. When you reach the feet, spend some time there, massaging the more sensitive or harder spots.
As you are finished, pause in silence, feeling that the energy soaks into your system. Then take your shower and allow this highly loving vibration to envelop you throughout the day.
This massage is appropriate for all types of people and for all ages. If you know your body-mind constitution the best oil for you will be:
If you are not sure about your constitution of if you would like to get more instruction on this, please get in touch with me.
Enjoy this sweet and exquisite celebration of life!
Hola Zaira, un masaje amoroso desde tu profundo Ser es tan nutritivo para el cuerpo, la mente y el alma. Gracias por recordar ! Yo aconsejo el auto masaje diario y en vez en cuando un masaje shamanico. Un beso grande Katja.
Así es, querida Katja, gracias por tu comentario, amemos mucho el cuerpo-mente-corazón <3 Un abrazo enorme y luminoso
A por el aceite de coco! Muchas gracias Zaira
Un placer, Belén! Ya me contarás qué tal te va y si tienes alguna pregunta en específico, escríbeme, ¿sí? Un abrazo grande!